

學名:Chamaecyparis formosensis
Family name: Cupressaceae
Scientific name: Chamaecyparis formosensis
  說到紅檜, 大家應該都不陌生!紅檜是台灣特有的植物,台灣五大針葉樹之一,木材品質極佳,適合做為高級家具材料使用, 是早期台灣重要的經濟樹種, 但今日已不再砍伐。主要分佈在海拔1,050-2,800公尺的地區,台灣許多的巨木及神木都是紅檜,眼前這棵紅檜巨木高約25公尺,胸圍有11.7公尺,推估樹齡約有1000年以上;矗立於此,見證了北大武山的古往今來。
  Endemic to Taiwan and found between 1,050 and 2,800 meters above sea level, red cedar is one of the five major coniferson the island. The timber was used to make high-end furniture, however, logging is no longer allowed. This red cedar is about 25 meters tall, 11.7 meters around and over 1,000 years old.